Article When the family should use a benefits consultant.
Below are six situations where using a consultant, who understands the claims process for Pension, can be of great help or in some situations a necessity. There are undoubtedly more situations that may exist and as reports come in from consultants, we will add them to this list. We have described, with each situation below, the reason for needing a consultant as opposed to using our book or trying to do it on your own.
Using a consultant where complexity or time constraints justify paying someone for advice
Using a consultant when submitting claims applications for nursing homes
Using a consultant with applications where a single claimant will be abandoning the principal residence
Using a consultant with applications where a single claimant will be abandoning the principal residence
Using a consultant with applications that require estate and tax planning
Using a consultant with applications that involve business ownership, farms, business and investment property and assets that are difficult to turn into cash